
Keloid treatment

Product: pbserum Medical - 1 session

Professional Photo

Dr. Fotini Bageorgou


Published on 12/19/2023

Clinical case description

In this case the patient presents a keloid scar and was treated with a single session of pbserum recombinant enzymes by Dr. Fotini Bargeourgou from Greece. The improvement of the appearance was relevant earlier than expected (usually results can be observed after 30 days). The pbserum recombinant enzyme therapeutic alternative for the remodeling of fibrous scars offers improved appearance and functionality with an optimal safety profile.

Before and after photos

This clinical case has been performed following the laboratory protocol, available in the digital courses of the Courses module. For medical information about this case, please contact our medical team at; if you are interested in attending a face to face workshop, please contact the distributor in your country.

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