ScarsLatin America

Management of scars

Product: pbserum Medical - 3 sessions

Professional Photo

Dr. Yaneth Prada

Plastic surgeon

Published on 05/27/2024

Clinical case description

In this case performed by Dr. Yaneth Prada from Costa Rica, we observe the evolution of a 42-year-old patient with no pathological history. The patient was referred 72 hours after a bicycle accident. The first procedure involved the placement of a dermal matrix on the areas of abrasion. Subsequently, recombinant enzyme application was initiated on the philtrum and upper lip region, carried out in three sessions with a 15-day interval between each session.

Before and after photos

This clinical case has been performed following the laboratory protocol, available in the digital courses of the Courses module. For medical information about this case, please contact our medical team at; if you are interested in attending a face to face workshop, please contact the distributor in your country.

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